
Extracurricular learning / extracurricular activity material

Walk Rally 03

Walk Rally 02

Walk Rally 01

Isometric_Housing_Event 02

walking with family


Isometric_Housing_Event 03



Extracurricular Learning Walk Rally

Wanderers lumampah ing musim gugur osmanthus musim gugur

child looking at a map

Walking around town.Wheelchair.Walking.Outing.Daycare

A mlaku ing Autumn saka osmanthus blooming blooming

Person, woman, pointing, walking in town, sightseeing, excursion

stamp rally sea

Stamp rally long-sleeved man and woman

Family of four walking

Stamp rally mount

Stamp rally short sleeve male and female

relay starting pose

Children walking while looking at a map_line

Children walking and looking at a map

Children walking while looking at a map_Soft lines

excursion children

Walk rally long-sleeved girl

Stamp Rally Halloween

People walking together Noisily

A boy looking at a map_Autumn ver.

Long-sleeved boy with stard

Walk rally short sleeve girl

Short-sleeved boy with seal

Stamp Rally Family

Walk rally characters

stamp rally autumn

stamp rally yellow

stamp rally winter

stamp rally spring

stamp rally mountain

A stick figure with lots of people cheering him on

Excursion with everyone

Two men and women standing and talking

Watercolor-style background wallpaper of summer blue sea and beach
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