Children's work

Materials for buried cultural properties of clay figurines and haniwa

Ilustrasi Keramik


Elementary school supplies Lower grade New first grader

Aomori Prefecture Tourism and Specialties

Jomon Yayoi period icon set

Monochrome nursery school/kindergarten practical tool set

Monochrome elementary school practical tool set

Chiba Prefecture Tourist Attractions Illustration

Set of women doing face packs

Children (kindergarteners and preschoolers) set hand-drawn B

Preparation for school Elementary school student Blackboard Chalk

Preparation for school entrance Elementary school 1st grade New student belongings

Preparation for school entrance Elementary school 1st grade New student belongings

Preparation for school Elementary school student Blackboard Chalk

Children (kindergarteners and preschoolers) set hand-drawn



Handmade vessel

Sports material 2

工作のイラストセット モノクロ

Women Ceramic Artists 4

Children's work set

Kindergarten belongings yellow set

小学校 実技用品 道具

Kindergarten life girl set

A set that can be used for albums and news (with colors)

Shading device clay even


Kindergarten life boy set

Elementary school supplies Lower grades New first graders Black and white

Kindergarten belongings boy set

Tool box set

保育園・幼稚園 実技 道具 用品セット


Shisa's simple illustration material

Kindergarten belongings girl set

Kindergarten life girl set

Kindergarten life boy set


A set that can be used for albums and news (colorless)

New Year's card 2019_01

Cheerful child

Craft illustration set

Nursery school, kindergarten play (indoor)

Sakata City Landmark Illustration

Summer vacation work set

Relaxing tea set with shadow


Icon Collection - Japanese History 6: Primitive Dots 130

Icon Collection - Japanese History 6 Primitive Monochrome 130

Icon Collection - Japanese History 6 Primitive Color 130


Cleaning up icon set

Clay figure


Relief tea set no shadow

Handwritten illustration set named after Toyama Prefecture

tennis court with racket and scoreboard


Flattened clay red


Sealing wax

Women potters 1

Women potters 3

Women potters 2

Three colors of rifles used for hunting and shooting

Japanese style line 1-4c

Haniwa (silk armor warrior and horse)

Jomon Period Life Set

Crocodile set (boy)

kindergarten toy set girl

Tiger year New Year's illustration material collection

Illustration set for admission and preparation for admission

A house set that looks like it was made from clay

Kindergarten Toy Set Boys Coloring

Clay figure

Illustration set color available for kindergarten and nursery school

Jinbutsu Dogu - Monochrome -

3 types of soil set

Earthenware, clay figures, clay figures, bronzeware set

Kindergarten Toy Set Coloring

Jinbutsu Dogu - Line drawing -

Dogu / Gradation A

clay figurine/rainbow

Sunflower and vase original illustration set white

tennis court with racket and scoreboard

Japanese style line 1-2c

Dogu Series -Yumei-

flower pot

Japanese style line 1-1c

clay figurine set

Emblem type cross gun 2 types set green

Kindergarten Toy Set Boys Coloring

Ceramics (color)

Ceramics (monochrome)

Wappen style hunting gun mark 3 color set orange

Sunflower and vase illustration set pink

Wappen style hunting gun mark 3 color set green
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