
Perimeter map

Change of follicle

Struktur rambute

Hair cycle

hair root

Female Hormone Cycle Graph Color

Amount of estrogen

Female internal change graph color

Female hormone secretion regulation color

female hormone

Endometrium and hormonal changes

Female hormone cycle monochrome

Illustration of uterus, egg collection, in vitro fertilization, microinsemination

How pregnancy works

Changes in female hormones and physical condition

Hormone cycle, appetite and stress color

Explanation of the mechanism of hair growth Figure 3

Differences in hormones between normal and pregnancy


Female hormones and skin conditions

Female internal change graph Monochrome

Postcards, starfish bottles, and postcards

Female hormone secretion regulation monochrome

Progesterone secretion and perspiration Color

The mechanism of hair

Cross-sectional view of the mechanism of hair growth 1

Folikel rambut kulit

Explanation of the mechanism of hair growth Figure 2




Explanation of the mechanism of hair growth Figure 4

polycystic ovary syndrome

2 with sex education letter

Female hormones and endometrial changes color

self injection

front uterine collar


Thyroid (no text)

Red acne



Normal pores


Anatomy of the skin (with letters)

front view of uterus

Women considering low-dose pills

Scalp cross section

Hair root cross section icon

Hair root cross section icon

Hair root cross section icon

Hair root cross section icon
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