
Pain site pictogram stickman

Various sets of pain symptoms

Illness and injury symptoms set

Pain site pictogram stickman

Female with a sore shoulder

Seksi pasca kecelakaan

Medical hospital examination scenery


Rear-end accident 02

A woman who feels stiff shoulders due to desk work


Nyalahke kula 03

Kacilakan lalu lintas

A pictogram of a person with shoulder or neck pain

cervical collar

I hurt my neck

Whiplash damage

A businessman holding his neck

College girl a-whiplash-bust

Illustration of a man whose cast is anxious



A whiplash sabar

Whiplash damage rear-end collision

Whiplash damage

Bee striking monokrom

Pictogram of a person with shoulder pain

Whiplash damage symptom list


Aged Blue Male-102-Bust

Blue Collar Shirt Men-130-Bust

Shoulder stiff shoulder pain OL women's college student's upper body

Young woman with a neck injury

Red ponytail female-126 - bust

Middle-aged woman Bob-128-bust

Whiplash person

Old man male d - whip - bust


Youth suit blue - 090 - bust

Shoulder stiff shoulder pain OL women's college student's upper body

Whiplash injury Cerebrospinal fluid hypoplasia

Border housewife cardigan-128-bust

Shoulder pain in shoulder lady middle-aged female joint pain upper body upper body

New graduate suit male-090-bust

Doctor youth glasses-096 - bust

Female apron dumplings - 092 - bust

Middle-aged men sweater-126-bust

Old man Bob female - 126 - bust

Muscles damaged by whiplash

Youth Blue Long Sleeve-090-Bust

Suit woman bob-092-bust

New graduate suit woman-092-bust

Blue polo shirt male-122 - bust


Whiplash injury radiculopathy

A woman with a stiff shoulder

Whiplash damage Barre Lee Woo type

A man in work clothes with a neck injury

Apron Youth Bob-126-Bust

Female college student a-whiplash-whole body


Whiplash injury cervical spine contusion type

Stiff shoulder painful young woman OL upper body

Shoulder stiff shoulder pain lady middle-aged woman wife upper body

Female Apron Middle Aged-098-Bust


Middle-aged men sweater-127-whole body

Old man male d - whipping - whole body

I made a mistake.

Blue polo shirt male-123 - whole body

Pain in shoulder stiff shoulder lady middle-aged female joint pain whole body

Shoulder stiff shoulder pain Young lady OL upper body

Pink girl long hair -129- whole body

old woman long sleeve-102-bust

Short sleeve polo shirt female-126 - bust

Neck pain line drawing


Apron youth long hair -126-bust

Whiplash injury spinal cord type

Private Wear OL Bob - 127 - whole body

Grandfather Polo Shirt Green-130-Bust

Middle-aged men suit-112-bust



Stiff shoulder painful young woman OL upper body


Whiplash damage with commentary

Woman treating painful whiplash (no main line)

Old man Bob female - 127 - whole body


White suit male-126-bust

Border housewife cardigan-129-whole body

Pain line drawing when rotating the cervical spine

White ponytail female -128-bust

Female apron dumplings-093 - whole body

New graduate suit male-091 - whole body


Elderly blue male-103-whole body
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